Glossary of Terms

The following section contains definitions of terms used in Planet Blender.


Short description: Alpha

Type: Floating point value 0 – 1

This is a mask. An element is visible within its Alpha. Float value of 0 – 1.


Short description: Colour

Type: Texture

Colour is used in various elements across Planet Blender.


Short description: Clear Coat

Type: Texture

A Secondary Bump map used for water surfaces.


Short description: Clear Coat Alpha

Type: Texture

See Alpha


Short description: Displacement Map

Type: Texture

A Texture used for displacement.


Short description: Driver

Type: Node subgroup

The Driver influences almost all textures in the node tree. The Driver node has multiple sliders.


Short description: Emission

Type: Texture

Emission colour and strength. Used for lava and lights.


Short description: Elements

Type: Node subgroups

Elements are the different modules that make up Planet Blender. See Elements section for a list of all elements.


Short description: Height

Type: Floating point value 0 – 1.

This refers to the height map of a texture. Height maps influence bump strength and other ranges.


Short description: Influence

Type: Floating point value 0 – 1.

The amount of influence an element has over another. For example, …_O_V_DR_Inf = The amount of influence the Driver has on the Origin’s Vector.


Short description: Metallicity

Type: Texture

Represents the metallicity value for an element.


Short description: Origin

Type: Floating point value 0 – 1.

The origin of a texture is a point where the texture originates. Origin can be a generated vector or driven by the height of the previous textures.


Short description: Roughness

Type: Texture

Roughness value for an element, works together with the SS value.


Short description: Relief Map

Type: Texture

A texture showing the relief map. It’s a heat map reading the final H value.


Short description: Range

Type: Floating point value 0 – 1.

Range settings influence BSDF ramps of a particular texture.


Short description: Specularity

Type: Texture

Relates to the shininess value of an element.


Short description: Temperature Map

Type: Texture

A texture showing the temperature map. It’s a heat map reading the final T value.


Short description: Texture Node

Type: Node subgroup

TX refers to the texture node attached to a particular element. Each element has its own TX sliders.


Short description: Texture Map

Type: Texture

Refers to an external file or texture map.


Short description: Vector

Type: XYZ Floating point values 0 – 1.

DescriVectors influence where an element appears, or how it conforms to the previous texture.ption


Short description: Settings Sliders

Type: Main Node group

Sliders refer to the sliders found in the Settings and Layout Workspaces. These are the main planet settings.


Short description: Physically Based Rendering

Type: Bake PBR and PBR Preview

In the case of Planet Blender, PBR refer to exported textures and the tools associated with previewing and rendering of the exported texture files.


Short description: Strength

Type: Floating point value 0 – 1.

Controls the strength of a particular property.