Layout Workspace

This workspace is meant to be used for animating or creating still images. It is a simple setup with only one view layer.


Figure 06 | Layout Workspace


There is only one scene in the Settings Workspace.


This scene is separate from the other workspaces, it does link the materials for the planet shader, but everything else can be removed/changed. This scene is the main working scene. For example, if you want to add an HDRI space background and render an animation this is the right workspace for it.

View Layers

No additional view layers in this workspace.


The Outliner contains a planet object, a light, and a camera. All these objects may be keyframed in this workspace including the sliders.

3D Viewport

No additional settings here.

Sliders (Shader Editors)

Only one slider is shown in this workspace to add more screen real estate for extra windows such as the Dope sheet, NLA editor etc.