Geometry Nodetree: CSV_Data

The CSV_Data Geometry node tree creates a connection to the CSV data, it creates an object instance for each row of data.


When Mapping Data, the addon creates an object for each of the rows in the csv file. Each created object (CSV_Instances Collection) has the CSV_Data node tree assigned.


The CSV_Data Geometry Node.




These are controlled by the Chart Setup Panel in the Addon.



When Assigning a Main Value in the Chart Setup Panel the min, max and sum is calculated. This happens automatically. Do not adjust these, rather use Value_Range_Scale below for adjustments.



Scale csv values to a more managable size.

Checkbox: Value_Scale_Bypass

Bypass scaled range values and use real values instead. 1 unit = 1 blender unit. Only recommended to use this for smaller values.

Checkbox: Value_Scale_Min/Max

Scale down or up the chart values without affecting the Value Label.



Checkbox: Bypass_Object

Bypass the Value Object showing only the labels.

Object: Value_Object

Select an object to instance as a Value Object. Custom Objects supported.


Make sure to hide your custom object in the Outliner otherwise it will show twice as this instances the original object.

Alternatively drag your object in the Outliner into the CSV_Chart_Area Collection.

Checkbox: Stack_Value_Object

Stack the value object.


Use the Value_Range_Scale parameters to adjust stack amounts.

Vector: Stack_Offset

Set the direction and distance of stacked objects.

Rotation: Stack_Random_Rotation

Rotate instances randomly around an axis for a more realistic stack.

Integer: Stack_Random_Seed

Set the random seed for the Stack_Random_Rotation parameter.



Checkbox: CSV_Coordinates

Use Coordinates from the CSV file. Do not use manually, rather use the CSV Coords button in Chart Setup on the addon panel.

Checkbox: Multi XYZ Transforms

These can be used to lock the Main Value to one or all of the below XYZ Transform parameters.


The figure above illustrates a classic bar chart. Where the value is locked to the Z Scale of the Value Object.



These are Transform override parameters. They are not affected by the Value_Obj_Coordinates. Changing one value will affect all Value Objects equally.

Value and Name Label


The Value and Name Label has been grouped together in this documentation as the parameter descriptions remain the same for both. The value label has some extra parameters that will be highlighted in the list below.

  • The Value Label displays the assigned Main Value field for each Value Object.

    The Value Label supports integer and float values.

  • The Name Label displays the assigned Name Label field for each Value Object.

    The Name Label supports string (text) values.

A short description of each parameter follows below:

  • Label_Bypass

    Bypass the label.

  • Label_Material

    Set the Material for the label.

  • Label_Alignment

    Paragraph alignment of label.

  • Label_Show_Bbox

    Show the bounding box around the Value Object to assist in Alignment.

  • Label_Size

    Scale the label.

  • Label_Character_Spacing

    Space between characters.

  • Label_Word_Spacing

    Space between words.

  • Label_Align_To

    Align the label to the bounding box elements.

    Available options:

    • Point

    • Edge

    • Face

    • Face Corner

    • Spline

    • Instance

  • Label_Align_Index

    Choose the index of the element chosen in Label_Align_To to align the label to.

  • Label_Align_Bypass

    Bypass bounding box alignment and align to the Value Objects origin instead.

  • Label_Transform

    Override Label XYZ Translate, Rotate and Scale.

  • Label_Instance_Transform_Lock

    Lock Label Transform to the Main Value Value Object.

  • Label_Extrude

    Exctrude the Label text. Make it 3D.

  • Label_Extrude_Amount

    Set the amount of extrusion.

  • Label_Extrude_Individual

    Instead of extruding the area of the object, rather extrude individual faces. Makes little difference.

  • Label_Camera_Rotate_Lock

    Lock Label rotation to always face the active camera in the scene.


    Can make the scene sluggish as many calculations need to happen everytime the camera moves.

    Tick this option at render time.

  • Label_Camera_Scale_Lock

    Lock Label size to always be the same regardless of zoom, uses the active camera in the scene.

Value Label only

  • Label_Percentage

    Display percentage instead of the real value.

  • Label_Decimals

    Add decimal places to the value label.

  • Label_Prefix

    Use a custom prefix.

  • Label_Prefix_Break

    Create a new line between the prefix and the value.

  • Label_Prefix_String

    Type your prefix here. Add a space if you need it to have a space between the prefix and the value. For example, “$ “.

  • Label_Suffix

    Use a custom suffix.

  • Label_Suffix_Break

    Create a new line between the value and the suffix.

  • Label_Suffix_String

    Type your suffix here. Add a space before if you need it to have a space between the value and the suffix. For example, “ %”.