Demo Files¶
About the demo files¶
Below are some demo files to download that showcases some of SMS Macro’s capabilities.
- Before opening any of the demo files:
make sure to turn on Edit > Preferences > Save & Load > Load UI.
Install/Enable the SMS Macros extension.
Each demo file will contain instructions and will have the scene set up to be compatible with it’s Macro Sets.
If you want to use any of the demo presets in your own projects, simply append them using the Import Sets button in the Extras panel.
Below are the download links for the demo files followed by a short description:
You can also download all the demos as a single zip file
Demo 01¶
Demo 01: Transform and color selected Objects
2 macro sets:
mac_Transform Selected Obj
Transforms selected objects using random location, rotation, and scale.
mac_Viewport Display Sel Objs
Changes selected objects color and sets the display mode to solid.
Demo 02¶
3 macro sets:
mac_Multi-Cam A/B/C
Custom Camera position, type, and DOF settings.
Demo 03¶
Demo 03: Custom Eevee and Cycles Render Presets
2 macro sets:
mac_Render Setup - Cycles/Eevee
Low, Medium, and High quality render presets for Cycles.
The cycles preset uses Optix, do not use the cycles preset without an Nvidia RTX GPU Blender will probably crash.
Demo 04¶
Demo 04: Random Material Nodes Values
5 macro sets:
Multiple Macro sets
Custom Material Node group settings to generate a random planet material.
Demo 05¶
Demo 05: Random Geometry Nodes Values
1 macro set:
mac_Geonodes Random Values
Some random recorded values on a Geometry Nodes setup.
Demo 06¶
Demo 06: Custom Modifier values per selected object
1 macro set:
Custom Modifier values per selected object. All cubes in this scene has the same modifiers applied. Values will randomize as per set range for each macro.