Extras Panel


The Extras Panel contains some extra functionality, such as importing macro sets, or enabling the quick panel.

The Extras panel is used in the following cases.

  • Enabling the quick panel

  • Importing Macro Sets from another .blend file

  • Enabling debugging mode

  • Resetting the extension to it’s default state


The Extras panel.

Panel Components

Button: Quick Panel

Toggles the quick panel on or off.

SMS Macros has the option of using a quick panel. The Quick Panel offers a faster workflow with less distraction. It contains all the functions of the normal panel, but is more compact.


It’s recommended to only use this panel when fully comfortable with all the features of the normal panel.


The Quick panel.

Button: Import Sets

Opens the file browser window. Select a .blend file containing saved macro sets to import them to the current file. The function imports all macro sets from the chosen file.

Button: Debug

Prints debug information to the system console.


Debugging mode will slow down the extension. Only tick this box if debugging information is needed.

Button: Toggle Console

Toggles the system console on or off.

Button: Reset

Resets the SMS Macros extension to it’s default state.


Resetting will not delete any saved macro sets, use this button to reset properties if something does not work as intended.