Macro Player Panel


The Macro Player panel plays back recorded macros and macro sets.

Macro sets are collections of recorded macros. Sets are stored in the active blender file as text data. Each macro set may contain one or multiple entries of recorded macros.

The Macro Player panel is used in the following cases.

  • Editing, recalling, renaming, or removing macros and macro sets.

  • Setting and editing default, min, and max values of macros by using the macro editor sub panel.


The Macro Player panel.


The Macro Player panel in use (default view).


The Macro Player panel in use (Editor sub panels open).

Panel Components

Label: Macro Sets: (#)

Displays the number of Macro Sets in the scene, in the images above it shows 2 Macro Sets.

Button: Recall Macros

Recall the selected Macro Set and apply the values to the scene.

Button: Recall All Macros

Recall all Macro Sets and apply the values to the scene.

Button: Refresh

The Refresh, or get macros button on the right of the dropdown will refresh the list in the Macro Sets dropdown. Use this if macros were imported/edited manually to update the dropdown.

Button: Delete Macro Set

The button on the right of the macro sets dropdown Delete Macro Set will delete the selected macro set.

Button: Set Info

Show a pop up message with the current set name and description.

Button: Edit Set

Show the Edit Set subpanel. The Set Name, and Set Description may be edited in this subpanel. Click on the Rename Macro Set or Create Description buttons to apply.

Label: Macros: (#)

Displays the number of Macros in the selected Macro Set, in the images above it shows 3 Macros in the set.

Button: Recall Macro

Recall the selected macro and apply the values to the scene.

Button: Recall Macros

Recall all Macros in the Set and apply the values to the scene.


This is the same as the Recall Macros button in the Macro Sets box above.

Button: Refresh

The Refresh, or get macros button on the right of the dropdown will refresh the list in the Macros dropdown. Use this if macros were edited manually to update the dropdown. Changing the selection of the Macro Sets dropdown will have the same effect.

Button: Delete Macro Entry

The button on the right of the macros dropdown Delete Macro Entry will delete the selected macro entry from the set.

Button: Macro Info

Show a pop up message displaying all properties and paths for the selected macro.

Button: Edit Macro

Show the Edit Macro subpanel. The selected macro entry name, default, min, and max values may be adjusted here.

Sub panel: Edit Entry

Textbox: Entry Info

Type an identifiable name in the box to update the entry info. This name will display in the dropdown.

Dynamic Property

Underneath the Entry Info textbox is a dynamic property. this property is a duplicate of the recorded scene property. Adjust this property before clicking Set Default, Set Min, or Set Max.

For example, if the desired default for the frame_current macro (in the image above) is 15. First, adjust the dynamic property to 15, then click Set Default. The textbox above the button will reflect the new value of 15. Repeat the same steps to adjust Minimum and Maximum values.

Textbox: Entry Val Default

Displays the current selected default value. This can be manually edited, or it may be set by adjusting the dynamic property, then using the button below.

Button: Set Default

Sets the default value for the macro. This value applies when recalling default values.

Textbox: Entry Val Min

Displays the current selected minimum value. This can be manually edited, or it may be set by adjusting the dynamic property, then using the button below.

Button: Set Min

Sets the range minimum value for the macro. This value applies when recalling minimum and random values.

Textbox: Entry Val Max

Displays the current selected maximum value. This can be manually edited, or it may be set by adjusting the dynamic property, then using the button below.

Button: Set Max

Sets the range maximum value for the macro. This value applies when recalling maximum and random values.

Button: Test Recall

Test recall the value without commiting changes to the Macro Set. The dynamic property should reflect the adjustments made to the default, min, and max values. Be sure to set the Recall Type dropdown to the desired type before testing.

Button: Apply

Clicking Apply will commit the changes to the entry in the Macro Set.