Macro Recorder Panel


The Macro Recorder panel is used in the following cases.

  • Recording new macros

  • Tweaking initial default values

  • Adding new Macro Sets


The Macro Recorder panel (Pre Record).


The Macro Recorder panel in use (Recording).


The Macro Recorder panel in use (Post Record).

Panel Components

Button: Record Macro

Click to start recording. Toggle off to save recording.

Label: Recorded Macros: #

Shows the number of recorded paths (macros).

Button: Remove Entry

Removes the current selected path (entry) from the Recorded Paths dropdown.

Dynamic Property

A copy of the recorded value property for the selected path. Adjustments can be made and previewed in realtime.


  • Change this value to adjust the default value for the selected recorded paths.

  • when clicking New Set this value will be used for the default, min and max. value ranges may be adjusted in the Edit Macros subpanel of the Macro Player panel.

Button: New Set

Creates a new macro set containing the new recorded paths as macros. macro sets may be accessed in the Macro Player panel.

Button: Cancel

Reset the Macro Recorder and clear the current recorded paths.