Panel: Map Data

The Map Data Panel is where csv data may be assigned to country objects.


The Map Data panel.

Panel Components

Button: Souce | Socket Update

Source | Socket: Update Input Socket from CSV Source Field Selection.


Selected CSV Source Field will update matching Input Socket Field on country objects.

Before updating the socket field:

  1. Select a Source Field

  2. Select a Target Socket Field

Make sure data type matches. If Data type does not match change type in the Input Sockets Panel first.

CSV file Must have matching index records at Column 1 as this is used to identify the correct country objects.

Button: Get Index from Name

Updates ID Input Socket Field on country objects.


Before populating the ID socket value:

  1. Select from CSV Source Field the column containing matching obj name as in the outliner. This will be used to match objects to records as no ID exists yet. For example, if your country objects are named with the ISO_A3 standard, then in Source Field select the matching header that contains the ISO_A3 values.

  2. Select Socket Field: ID

Button: All

Updates all matching Input Socket Fields on country objects.


  • CSV File headers must match input socket names for the M_Master node tree for this to work.

  • Make sure data type matches. If Data type does not match change type in the Input Sockets Panel first.

Subpanel: Advanced

The Advanced subpanel is where input sockets may be created on country objects.


The Map Data Advanced subpanel.

Dropdown Menu: Socket Field

Select a Target Socket Field.

Button: Set Main Value

Assign the selected Socket Field as the Main Value.

Only accepts Integer or Float type values.


This will update the following components:

  1. The value label assigned to each country object.

  2. The Min/Max Range needed for extrude by value.

  3. Connect the selected Socket Field to the Main_Value Input Socket of the M_Objects Geometry Node.

  4. Integer number types are automatically converted to float, but this might not always work. Socket types may be changed using the Change Socket Type button in the Input Sockets Setup Panel, or in this panel below.

Button: Set Main Value Range

Recalculate Min/Max based on selected Socket Field.


Socket type must be float or integer:

Key Frame

Add Keyframe (+): Add a keyframe on the selected Socket Field.

Recommended to only use with the Main Value, but other socket fields may be animated as per your use case.


This will update the following components:

  1. Insert a keyframe on the selected Socket Field for each country object.

  2. Insert a keyframe on Value_Min and Value_Max.

Clear All Keyframes (×): Remove all keyframes.

Removes all keyframes on all Country objects for all frames.

Change Socket Type


This might clear Socket Values:

Integer: Change selected socket type to integer (1, 2, -3).

Float: Change selected socket type to float (1.1, 2.8, -3.15).

String: Change selected socket type to string (Asia, Africa, Europe).

Create Input Sockets

All: Create Sockets from CSV.


  • Creates input sockets on the M_Master Node for all CSV Fields.

  • If there are existing input sockets on the M_Master Node, the new sockets will be added.

Single: Create Input Socket from Selected Source Field.


  • Creates an input socket on the master node for current selected Source Field

  • After creating, update input values with Selected Socket Update function