Panel: Visibility

The Visibility panel is where country objects and the Mapper_Base object can be hidden or shown.


  • These buttons will hide or show objects both from the viewport and render.

  • These buttons only work when projection is off.


The Visibility panel.

Panel Components

Button: Hide Country Objects

Hides all country objects in the collection M_Countries.

Button: Show Country Objects

Shows all country objects in the collection M_Countries.

Button: Hide Base Object

Hides the Mapper_Base object.

Button: Show Base Object

Shows the Mapper_Base object.

Button: Hide All Mapper Objects

Hides all country objects in the collection M_Countries and the Mapper_Base object.

Button: Show All Mapper Objects

Shows all country objects in the collection M_Countries and the Mapper_Base object.


Showing and hiding Mapper Objects


Showing and hiding mapper objects.