Troubleshooting and Bugs

Map not tiling


Displayed texture not tiling (see figure 09). This affects the Map Preview, Colour Preview and Map_A_Element view layers in the Settings workspace.


Figure 09 | Texture not tiling.


Click on the object in the 3D Viewport to select it. Then press Tab and Tab again to enter and exit the editing workspace. This should correct the texture tiling (see figure 10). Once corrected it should not happen again in the active session. This issue only affects the Settings Workspace.


Figure 10 | Correct texture display.

Visible seam


A seam appears along the side of the planet (see figure 11). This only happens with the PBR baked models.


Figure 11 | Seam in a baked PBR texture.


Increasing render size in the Bake PBR workspace helps a little but the seam does not disappear completely. No current solution for this.

Sliders hidden


Sliders not visible in the Settings and Layout workspaces (see figure 12).


Figure 12 | Sliders not visible.


Blender automatically hides the N-Panel in editor windows when the window size is too narrow. Drag the shader editor to the right to expand it and the sliders should appear again. If not, hover over the Shader editor and press N to toggle the N-Panel, make sure the Node tab is active and that the Properties menu is expanded (see figure 13).


Figure 13 | Sliders correct.