Geometry Nodetree: VO_Multi_Object

The VO_Multi_Object Geometry node tree Creates an object to be instanced by the CSV_Data Nodetree. In a bar chart, this will be the bar.


VO is short for Value Object.


The VO_Multi_Object Geometry Node.


Main parameters


Material: VO_Material

Select a Material to be applied to the Value Object.

Vector: VO_Position

Set the position of the Value Objects origin. This is a little different than translating the Value Object. It changes how the Main Value affects the object.


The Main use for this parameter is to position the Value Object on the floor. But it does have other uses.

For example, using the “Grid” Value Object with a size of 1 and Extrusion of 1, and locking the Main Value to Z_Scale in the CSV_Data Geometry node will have different results on the Value Object depending on the VO_Position: Z Parameter.

Setting Z to 0 Will make the Main Value Scale the object only in the Z+ Direction.

Setting Z to -0.5 will make the Main Value scale the Value Object in both the Z+ and Z- Direction.

Extrude and Subdivide


This section contain Extrusion and Subdivision parameters.


To create a cube, use the Grid Value Object (Settings as in figure below) and set Extrude_Amount to 1.

The created cube Value Object will be on the Floor. If you want the origin positioned in the center then change the VO_Position Z parameter to -0.5.

Value Object Parameters

The below figures show the individual Value Object parameters depending on Menu: Multi_Object selection.

Value Object: Grid


Value Object: Circle


Value Object: UV_Sphere


Value Object: Ico_Sphere


Value Object: Star


Value Object: Spiral
