Macro Sets


The Macro Player panel.

Select a Macro Set

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Using the Macro Set dropdown, select a set.

  3. The Macro Set is now active and should update the Macro Entry dropdown.

View Macro Set information

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Select a macro set.

  1. Click the ID icon (Set Info button) below the Macro Set dropdown.

  2. A message will appear under the mouse cursor displaying information on the selected macro set.

Recall a Macro Set

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Select a recall type using the dropdown at the top of the Macro Player panel.

  3. Select a macro set.

  4. Click the Play icon (Recall Macros button) to the far left of the Macro Set dropdown.

  5. The Macro Set should recall with the values selected in step 1.

Recall all Macro Sets

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Select a recall type using the dropdown at the top of the Macro Player panel.

  3. Click the Recall all Macros button directly to the left of the Macro Set dropdown.

  4. All Macro Sets in the scene should recall with the values selected in step 1.

Delete a Macro Set

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Select a macro set.

  3. Click the trash icon (Delete Macro Set button) next to the Macro Set dropdown.

  4. The macro set should now be deleted from the scene and the Macro Set dropdown should refresh.

Rename a Macro Set

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Select a macro set.

  3. Click the Edit Set button below the Macro Set dropdown.

  4. In the subpanel type the new name in the Current Macro Set text box.

  5. Click the checkmark icon (Rename Macro Set button) to the right of the textbox to commit the change.


The Macro Player panel.


Macro Set names are always prefixed with “mac_” this is so that the dropdown only adds text data that is supported by the Player. It is not necessary to type “mac_” in the Current Macro Set textbox. Typing “My Macro Set” will result in “mac_My Macro Set”. Typing “mac_My Macro Set” will result in “mac_mac_My Macro Set”.

Edit Set Description

  1. Expand the Macro Player panel.

  2. Select a macro set.

  3. Click the Edit Set button below the Macro Set dropdown.

  4. In the subpanel type the new description in the Set Description text box.

  5. Click the checkmark icon (Create Description button) to the right of the textbox to commit the change.